Senior Adults

Norcross First has a very active Senior demographic! Come join us for Bible studies, come to a Jet Set luncheon, or join a Sunday School class. We can't wait to meet you!

Jet Set Club

Third Wednesday Monthly (except Nov. & Dec. in 2025)  | 11am |  Fellowship Hall

"Jet Set Club where Godly people and heavenly food abound! " is a senior adult fellowship group that meets for interesting, relevant programs/entertainment and a covered dish luncheon monthly. Additionally, the group goes on monthly recreational trips. Jet Set provides an opportunity to meet new friends! Trips include outings in both Atlanta and the SE United States. Jet Set is happy to announce some upcoming local activities to take advantage of as a group. You don't have to be "over 55" to be involved! Visitors always welcome! Contact President Steve Ingels - - for more information.

Anyone interested in an older adult small group outing is invited to participate in our extra events! Watch for information monthly here or in our weekly church newsletter. Click below to see a recap of our most recent group outing! 

Watch for information for more fun and fellowship in 2025!

Titanic Exhibition Event

Men's Weekly Bible Study

Men's Weekly Study and Lunch

Who:   Men – all ages and stages of life

When:   Thursdays at 11:45am

Where:   Berkeley Hills Country Club

Why:   To stay connected and accountable through a small casual group setting while studying the Word of God and fellowshipping

All men are invited to be involved in this study group and be in the Word together!

Contact Tom Waits at for more information.

JOY Ladies Bible Study

J. O. Y.   (Just Older Youth)

JOY is a women's group study that meets at 10am three Wednesdays a month in the church Fellowship Hall. 

JOY is currently participating in a Lenten study. 

This group often goes out to lunch after the study for social time together too! Interested ladies are welcome to join by contacting Bobbye Raye Kennison at or Rev. Brenda Westmoreland for more information.



In the Spring of 2001, the musical group, GERRY-AT-TRICKS, sprang to life, entertaining residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the Norcross area. The group has become an out-reach mission of Norcross First Global Methodist Church's Senior Adult Ministries and Music Ministry. 

The group sings lively renditions of "golden oldies" and 50's rock n' roll tunes, favorite church hymns and fun interactive choruses. Now known as the GERRY-AT-TRICKS SINGERS, their goal is to provide clean, wholesome entertainment, fun and fellowship, as well as provoking smiles, laughter and joy. 

It is truly a blessing to minister through music to residents of these facilities. Contact Carey Kennison for more information at

We are currently looking for a back-up pianist for the group. Individuals need to be available on Tuesdays for rehearsal and performances. Contact Carey Kennison with interest.

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