Spreading the love of Jesus in our community by partnering with Family Promise, Neighborhood Co-Op, our local schools and many more.
Serving alongside mission minded organizations in our great nation including Red Bird Missions, Habitat for Humanity and many others.
Extending God's hand across the globe by supporting missionaries and organizations reaching Africa, Greece, Nicaragua and more.
Global Impact Celebration (GIC) exists to mobilize and deploy the body of Christ globally to join Jesus in His mission, especially among the least-reached peoples.
Once each year we invite our supported missionaries and ministry partners from across the street and around the world to join us in person for a weekend celebrating milestones in their mission work through the year.
GO Team Chair: Brad Carr rbradcarr@gmail.com
International Missions Chair: Susan Arthur susan.arthur@comcast.net
National Missions Chair: Larry Stone l.a.stone@hotmail.com
Local Missions Chair: Mary Ann Shillington mas7@charter.net
Evangelism Chair: Shelley Carr shelleycarr91@gmail.com
Missions Assistant: Rae Myles rae@norcrossfirst.org
We are a proud partner of the Neighborhood Cooperative Ministry. Visit their website to see how you can serve!
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